A Travellerspoint blog

Lazy day


View Rarotonga on martenia's travel map.

Church day. Skirt or dress is compulsory so I have to dust off the dress I wore to the wedding. That's my only option. Busing again. We manage to get there right on time. The CICC Church in Arorangi is suppose to be the biggest and oldest on the Island. That's where the gospel arrived on the island. The church is white with a touch of blue. Little cemetery and bell are in from of it. Some locals like to bury their family members in their own backyards. Lot of them have fresh flowers on graves. Most of the islanders move around the island on bikes. It’s funny seeing them arriving all dressed up on a bike. The parish is full and it seems half of the attendees are tourists. All the rarotongan ladies wear hats. Singing is really enjoyable and takes most of the service with the priest, looking slightly bored, only speaks at the end. The service took one a half hour. A bit longer than expected. Then we are invited next door for a morning tea where we also receive a little history lesson about the village. I find out that Arorangi means ‘Look up to the sky’. Next door to the church is a modest looking palace of a local queen. We get a free ride back to the backpackers, not without dramas. Back wheel gets stuck in a big hole and it takes a lot of man power to get it out.

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Quick change of clothes and I’m off to Rarotongan Beach Resort for a pool side performance. Unfortunately it gets moved inside. It’s all about God today. Lovely performance though. But I’m really keen to take advantage of that lovely sun before it goes away. This resort is the best place for snorkeling. The fish is everywhere. It’s windy as hell so I opt for our quiet beach. Unfortunetly clouds come around again and I don’t get much time in the water.

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Everything is closed today, so I have a relaxing evening with everyone and still have the room to myslef.

Posted by martenia 16:39 Archived in Cook Islands

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