Last day
25.08.2006 - 31.08.2006
on martenia's travel map.
Feeling a bit sick today. I'm sure it's all that wind finally getting to me. I take the care back and head back to town for the last time. Need to finish my gift shopping. Visit to the museum is on my agenda as well. It's not huge, but worth seeing nevertheless. $2,50 donation for entry. On the way out I notice there's a University building hiding between trees.
I give Salsa Cafe another try. They are less busy and I order straight away. 20 minutes (not a very long wait by the island standards) my Gumba Ya Ya. Yummy, worth the wait. My last meal on the island. This time I chose to go anti-clock wise on the bust. Not the best idea, apart from the fact that it takes longer it was chocker full. By the time I got back it was raining again. I packed up and spend few last moments reading my magazines. I noticed a huge spider just above my bed. Luckily I won't have to sleep here tonight. Tonight it's $7 steak night at the local so I get ride to the airport with everyone. The duty free prices here are crazy. $20 for most 1L spirits. I buy two bottles. One for Magic and one for me. I managed to score a window seat and could admire the view from atop. Lights only around the island where the main road is. I get home by 1am. No work for me tomorrow...
Posted by martenia 04:15 Archived in Cook Islands